There are four ways to get Airconsole connectivity on macOS Sierra (10.12)

1. via WiFi/Ethernet/Bluetooth LE using Airconsole.kext and AirconsoleOSX - this creates a virtual serial device /dev/tty.Airconsole-1 which you should connect to with your serial terminal program. The driver package is available from here: (note the installation instructions for 10.13 are slightly different - see here:

2. via Bluetooth EDR (OSX 10.11 and above, Airconsole 2.77 and above - NOT Supported on Airconsole LE) - scan & pair in the operating system Bluetooth control panel - this creates a virtual serial device /dev/tty.Airconsole-XX-raw-serial which you connect to with your serial terminal program. This solution does not require any drivers or AirconsoleOSX to be running

3. via WiFi/Ethernet by telnet-ing to port 3696 or SSH-ing to port 4001 (if enabled) - no virtual serial port is created as serial output is displayed in your telnet/ssh client. (NOT supported on Airconsole-LE)

4. via WiFi/Ethernet by using the built-in web terminal on the Airconsole - by default this is available at (replace the IP with the actual IP), or alternatively using the local domain http://airconsole-xx.local/terminal.asp (replace the xx with the last two digits of the Airconsole MAC address) (NOT supported on Airconsole LE)